Commissioned by the Department of Defense, Technifex XR engineered and fabricated two identical 52-foot mobile training simulators. The simulators were designed to teach U.S. troops how to identify potential Improvised Explosive Device (IED) threats and included a custom built 6-degree of freedom (6DOF) motion base that provided complete articulation of a Humvee with up to five passengers. A multitude of visual and physical effect were used to place the vehicle into particular environments, as well as replicate enemy fire and a significant IED hit. This included a 270 degree, seamless, wrap-around projection, scent, smoke, concussive blasts, strobes and high-fidelity audio. Together, the system produced a highly realistic experience of riding in a Humvee, being attacked by an adversary and hit by an IED.

System Features:
- 6 DOF Motion Base
- Impact Ram (Under Body Air Ram)
- Concussive Wave (Propane Explosion FX)
- 270º Projection Screen
- Strafing Bullet Hits (Strobe Lighting FX)
- Explosion Flash (Strobe Light FX)
- Smoke FX
- Surround Audio
- Technifex XR Scope of Work: Concept Design, Engineering & Fabrication
- Client: Joint IED Defeat Organization in Cooperation with the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command
- Media Production: RL Leaders
- IEDBD Concept and Creative Development: RL Leaders
- Program Management: RL Leaders
- War-Fighter Training and System Operator: RL Leaders
- Location: Various
- Deployment: 2009